Ectopic Pregnancy


An ectopic pregnancy is a non-viable pregnancy resulted from a fertilised ovum implanting in a site other than the endometrium.

  • Anatomical blockage or change to uterine tract motility
  • IVF
  • Use of intrauterine device
  • PHx of uterine tubal procedures
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Clinical Features
  • PV bleeding or spotting
  • Lightheadedness ± syncope
  • Pain (pattern according to the gestation week)
    • <6 weeks gestation:
      • Vague crampy or steady
      • Can be unilateral or bilateral
    • >6 weeks gestation:
      • Specific constant & severe
      • Usually unilateral on side of implantation
      • Referral pain to shoulder tip or flank
  • Positive pregnancy test
  • Quantitative hCG
  • FBE
  • Transvaginal ultrasound
  • Immediate diagnostic laparoscopy ± laparotomy for haemodynamically unstable patients
  • Anti-D immunoglobulin for all Rh negative women
  • IM Methotrezate to expel uterine contents
  • Salpingectomy or salpingostomy if required