

Miscarriage is the involuntary loss of pregnancy of <20 weeks gestation or foetal weight of ≤500g.

Types (classified according to presentation):

  • Threatened miscarriage: Bleeding through closed cervix
  • Inevitable miscarriage: Bleeding through open cervix
  • Incomplete miscarriage: uterine contents pass through open cervix
  • Complete miscarriage: Uterine contents completely excreted out, leaving uterus empty and cervix closed again
  • Missed miscarriage: Non-viable (no cardiac activity) embryo remains in the uterus due to closed cervix
  • Septic Abortion: Any type of miscarriage complicated with uterine (and its contents) being infected
  • Maternal
    • Pre-existing medical condition
    • Structural issue of uterus ± cervix
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Corpus luteum does not secrete enough progesterone
    • Placental issues
  • Foetal
    • Chromosomal abnormalities
    • Organ development issue
    • Infection
Clinical Features

Depends on the type of miscarriage:

  • Threatened miscarriage
    • Bleeding: Present
    • Pain: None
    • Cervix: Closed
    • Uterus size: Larger or equal to the expected gestational size
  • Inevitable miscarriage:
    • Bleeding: Present
    • Pain: Present
    • Cervix: Closed, “funnel” shaped
    • Uterus size: Smaller or equal to the expected gestational size
  • Incomplete miscarriage
    • Bleeding: Can be present
    • Pain: Present
    • Cervix: Open
    • Uterus size: Smaller or equal to the expected gestational size
  • Complete miscarriage
    • Bleeding: Present but decreasing at time of presentation
    • Pain: Present before but none at the time of presentation
    • Cervix: Closed
    • Uterus size: Smaller than expected gestational size
  • Missed miscarriage
    • Bleeding: None
    • Pain: None
    • Cervix: Closed
    • Uterus size: Smaller than expected gestational size
  • Imaging
    • Transvaginal ultrasound to determine the viability of the foetus
  • Blood test
    • hCG levels
    • FBE
  • Watchful waiting
  • Supportive treatment
  • Dilate and curettage if appropriate